Bra Talent’s body is discovered and 5Bob’s recklessness gets him arrested. Heist, Tuesdays at 9:30PM.
Last week, after the police found a blood-stained cloth on the scene of the crime, Bra T knew the police would be able to trace it back to him. And as his time was running out he apologised to his son for not being a good father. But it wasn’t the police who got to him first, but Irvin!
Tonight Bra T’s son discovers his body. And as news of his death spreads, the gang is shocked but also suspicious of who killed him. Was it one of them?
Meanwhile 5Bob is taken in for questioning after a boy overdosed at one of his drug parties. Will he tell the cops where he got the money from to throw these expensive drug-fueled parties?
Will the police make the link between Irvin and Bra Talent? But more importantly, will the gang stand together and be a team or will they turn on each other?
Catch the all-new season of Heist, Tuesdays at 9:30PM. #Heist #FollowTheMoney