A brand new reality series featuring three popular socialites will premier this July.
Babalwa Mneno, Nonhle Thema and Khanyi Mbau are known for their bling lifestyles and controversy. But South Africa will soon see a different side to the three socialites in e.tv’s new show, Reality Check, starting 6 July at 6:05PM.
The constructed reality series documents the quest of three socialites who feel it’s time to give back and pay-it-forward. Proving that behind the glamour, fame and tantrums, Babalwa, Nonhle and Khanyi are affected by social issues and are dedicated to making a difference and committed to doing their bit towards building a better South Africa.
“These women have enough mileage in the industry; they understand how to play the good girl and be the controversial girl,” Says Khanyi Mbau.
In each episode the women will receive a mystery SOS SMS that will outline their goodwill mission for the day. They will then meet at the scene and swap their manicure appointments and personal training sessions for some good, old-fashioned hard work.
If you think the women had it easy while filming, guess again. 13 Episodes were filmed in 13 days with grueling call times and long hours. “The show has been my life,” says Khanyi, “we had 3am call times and didn’t finish shooting until 8pm. My poor boyfriend is suffering.”
Here's a video clip of Khanyi talking about the new show and what she hopes viewers will get out of it.