The cartel plans to murder Damon in his room and make it seem like a robbery gone wrong. Scandal!, weekdays at 7:30PM.
Oli’s plan is to grab Damon at the parking lot of the hotel and make him disappear.
But, the boss thinks Oli has become lazy and that the plan is ridiculous.
“No. I want his body to be found, you know,” explains Neo. But Oli believes this will get Neo in trouble with the police. Neo doesn’t care.
What Neo wants is for Oli and Mjomane to assassinate Damon in his room when he’s alone. He wants them to make the assassination look like it’s a robbery gone wrong, and leave the body to be found.
Will they get away with it?
Watch out, Mr. Bradbury, the ruthless Neo Mokheti is coming for you. Your sin is your engagement to Yvonne.
Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM. Like the Facebook page and follow on Twitter. #etvScandal