From Monday, 24 April you can watch the second season of Gold Diggers weekdays at 12:30PM.
If you missed the riveting second season of Gold Diggers, we have great news for you! You can watch repeat episodes from the season, weekdays at 12:30PM.
This means that there won’t be any Broken Vowsrepeats on, but don’t worry, you can still catch up.
Daily episodes of Broken Vows are available immediately after the show airs at 8:30PM on e On Demand!
To add the cherry on top, you have access to them for an entire week after the episode has aired.
Watch full episodes of Broken Vows on e On Demand here
And that’s not all. If you have OpenView HD, you can catch daily repeats on eExtra, channel 105 at 10:30AM and the omnibus on Sundays at 1PM.
Here’s how you can get OpenView HD.
So there’s absolutely no reason to miss out on all the drama onBroken Vows!
Watch Broken Vows, weekdays at 8PM. Follow the show on Twitter and like the Facebook page.