Romeo sets a threat, Neo is spooked and Layla is dismayed at Quinton’s response. Scandal!, weekdays at 7:30PM.
Romeo carries out a threat which makes someone's blood run cold. Mlu’s worries are put to rest and Layla finds herself warming up to someone she didn't trust.
Neo is spooked by receiving a message while he's with his son, and Romeo is afraid that he may have been busted. Scelo is warned about an event that is close to his heart. Layla finds herself standing up for someone she barely knows.
Romeo is tasked with finding the perpetrator of something he's responsible for, and Layla receives exciting information. Scelo gets a nasty shock and Freddie decides to keep some good news to himself.
This is what happened last week on Scandal!
Layla is dismayed at Quinton's response to some news, and Romeo's plan turns out to be more successful than he could ever have imagined. Mlungisi discovers that his duties will include some actions he's not comfortable with. A mother and father receive parenting advice from an unlikely counsellor.
Romeo is forced to take action to save an enemy and Yvonne is disappointed that her problems are not over. Mlungisi decides to choose his job over a family member's wishes. Quinton's suspicions are aroused, which alarms his 'guest'.
Watch Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM. Like the Facebook page and follow the show on Twitter. #etvScandal