The thrilling drama series aired for the first time on Monday night and we were left amazed. Harvest, Mondays at 9:30PM.
After watching #Harvest for the first time, we’re convinced that our Monday nights will never be the same again! We fell in love with the picture quality, the storyline, the flashbacks and the characters.
We were intrigued to learn that Celia went through a lot with Mandla to get their business up and running. She had to smuggle weed from Swaziland heavily pregnant. On top of it all, she found him cheating and now the business is going bankrupt all because of his gambling problems.
But we were so sad to see Lizzy’s mom getting arrested as Celia tried to save herself.
What left us shocked was seeing the three husbands die from poisoned traditional beer that was given to them. Who poisoned them?
And why did Celia just watch Mandla die? Could she have something to do with the death of the husbands?
Missed the episode? You can catch up on eExtra, channel 105 on OpenView HD, Wednesdays at 8:30PM.
Watch Harvest every Monday at 9:30PM on and Wednesday at 8:30PM on eExtra. #Harvest