Ever since Damon Bradbury came back, he has done nothing but shake things up on the soapie. Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM.
Damon is back in town with a vengeance! When he heard how Neo had been two-timing his mafia boss, Damon called Pacino, hoping he’ll assassinate him. But that failed when Neo was protected by Anzani and Lerumo.
Soon after, Damon learnt he was framed by Siseko and that Yvonne cheated on him. He confronted both Yvonne and Siseko and contained himself from telling Boniswa. But, for how long?
Now Damon wants nothing to do with Yvonne. He even called off the engagement and Yvonne was so distraught. But Damon wants Siseko to pay. So, while Lerumo and Anzani were having lunch, he butted in and told them how he was framed by Siseko.
Boniswa on the other hand wants to confront Damon. Will Siseko let her, knowing that Damon knows the truth about him and Yvonne?
Missed the episode? Catch it here.
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