Grace finds herself bonding with someone she has always despised, Yvonne is freaked out when she thinks she sees someone who is dead and Boniswa’s plan backfires. Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM.
Grace finds herself bonding with someone she has always despised and makes an admission which could land her in trouble with the law. Boniswa's plan backfires but all is not lost. Javas is finding it difficult to keep his feelings private.
Lerumo is extremely relieved that a serious crime was not committed, and Romeo bounces back from his trauma. A truce is declared, but it is not clear whether it is real or just a tactic. Dintle is disappointed by Quinton.
Grace decides to take a stand against the horror of her past. Dintle makes a promise which could change her future. Mary panics about an imminent situation and Chumani makes a decisive move.
Grace is responsible for turning a man into a fugitive from the law. Dintle covertly seeks assistance from someone who despises her to secure her future. Mary's heart skips a beat the moment she meets a young man for the first time.
Yvonne is freaked out when she thinks she sees someone who is dead. Mangi is unaware who he is actually helping, and Javas chickens out of a decision. In trying to convince a friend, Mary unwisely tells a lie.
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