The Ngema family makes a decision for their daughter and Lindiwe blinds Kgosi with a promise of glamour. Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM.
A guy who’s usually as straight as an arrow turns out to have great skills of deception. Eddie has concerns about a young woman he has helped in the past. A mother and father make a decision for their child, hoping they’re doing the right thing.
An unlikely pair spend the night together in very unusual circumstances. It seems that no-one who is a boss is prepared to give an up and coming leader a break. A young girl's dream is about to become a reality.
This is what happened on Scandal! last week.
It's the end of the line for a relationship, and there’s not much waiting around when it comes to getting physical with someone else. Phindile has to pretend she has never heard of the subject of a discussion. Lindiwe blinds Kgosi with a promise of glamour.
A hot-blooded male resists temptation, but isn't so strong when he’s tempted again. Ingrid is finally convinced to step into the unknown. Lindiwe has an awe-inspiring experience.
There are no regrets about a liaison, but the participants are unaware that danger lies ahead for both of them. A guy with a dodgy past is on the road to becoming an inspirational hero. Phindile is disappointed by a request from a family member.
Watch Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM. Like the Facebook page and follow the show on Twitter.