Woah! So much happens in this jam-packed finale episode that we’re already excited for season 2. Tune in tonight at 9:30PM.
So, last week we discovered Kanan, AKA 50 Cent, is the one behind all the dead bodies. And what’s more, he’s hoping his next victim is Ghost.
This week, your boy is released from prison. So you already know season 2 is gonna reach whole new levels of drama.
Meanwhile, Ruiz discovers Nomar’s been seeing his teenage daughter on the low and orders a hit on him. The guy he asks to do it? Tommy.
At the scene of the murder, Angela shows up. Nomar was her source, remember? Baffled, Tommy follows her to her apartment where he sees Ghost’s luggage.
Tommy jumps to the wrong conclusion, assuming Ghost has been working with Angela to bring him down.
Meanwhile, Holly catches a bullet in the club that was meant for Ghost.
Guys, season 2 is going to pop off!
But before that, don’t miss this insane season 1 finale of Power tonight at 9:30PM. #etvPower