Mthunzi wonders what's afoot,Romeo's secret gets mixed reactions and an odd couple is making waves in their world. Scandal!, weekdays at 7:30PM.
A mother discovers a surprising and unexpected revelation about her son. Gloria cannot believe her ears when she hears about an unlikely hook-up. Stokkies makes a shady deal to get rid of his new rival.
Romeo's secret gets mixed reactions. Ingrid doesn't believe the truth when she hears it. Stokkies calls in for his favours.
An odd couple is making waves in their world. Another odd couple is caught unawares. The queen of mean targets her new subject.
Catch up on last week’s drama.
A revelation comes to light and Mthunzi wonders what's afoot. When told about a relationship, Layla doubts its longevity. A new employee throws in the towel and a supervisor hints at an exit.
A man catches a couple in his office and dares them to prove they are really in love. Ingrid gives a friend a daunting task. Two colleagues decide on a strategy to get another colleague fired.
Watch Scandal! weekdays at 7:30PM. Like the Facebook page and follow the show on Twitter.