Just how much attention were you paying to Rhythm City last week? Take our quiz and find out!
1. Who said “Aha leroto kelena kele tshwere” to Kete?
a) Rose
b) Caroline
c) Kop
2. Who told Bash“Ntwana, I’m telling you honale mkhonyovu between Msafafa le sister lahao Niki”?
a) Fats
b) Speshil
c) Findo
3. “Tonight, it’s me and my cognac.” Who said this to Lerato?
a) Suffo
b) Fausto
c) David
4. Who said “o-monate mei laaitie to S’fiso” when he was panicking about his driving skills?
a) Bash
b) Fats
c) Kop
5. Who called Bash while panicking and asked “what’s in that powder”?
a) Niki
b) Lerato
c) Mampho
6. Who referred to Prudence as Beyonce?
a) Tsetse Fly
b) S’fiso
c) Miles
7. S’fiso told miles that Tsetse Fly is…
a) His cousin
b) His half brother
c) An old friend
8. What did Niki say she forgot at Suffo’s place after spending a night there?
a) Her bra
b) Her cell phone
c) Her keys
9. Who stopped Rose from exposing Sis Bee to Pastor Isaacs?
a) Caroline
b) Sis Bee
c) Kete
10. Where did Fausto die?
a) Kilowatt
b) Zer011
c) Redemption Records
Answers: 1=a, 2=a, 3=b, 4=c, 5=b, 6=a, 7= b, 8=a, 9=c, 10= b
How did you do?
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