Thandeka turns to Genaro for help and Suffo walks in on Nikki and Themba getting cosy. Rhythm City, weekdays at 7PM.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Solomon and Doc are thrown when Thandeka brings Mbulelo home and introduces him as her father and Doc’s long-lost brother. Nikki’s guilt is making her overcompensate towards Suffocate and Themba becomes jealous when he sees them playing happy family.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Doc offers Mbulelo money to leave the house and exit Thandeka’s life. Sabelo is worried when he learns that Mapula borrowed from a mashonisa, and what the rate of repayment will be. Puleng tells Nikki the real reason she left the marital home and Niki and Themba draw even closer.
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Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Thandeka is broken when her ‘father’ tells her he has to leave. Suffocate is surprised by Nikki’s good mood despite his absence. Emmanuel tries to get the Khuses to help Mapula out of her financial rut but Mapula gets an idea of her own.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Thandeka learns that Doc and Solomon threatened to kill Mbulelo if he didn’t leave. Niki is torn between her love for Suffocate and lust for Themba. Emmanuel hits on the idea that Mapula should start a takkie washing business to earn money to pay off the mashonisa.
Friday, 4 December 2015
David convinces Thandeka to dig into Doc and Solomon’s past. What she finds has her shaken to the core. Mapula lays down new terms for her and Emmanuel’s takkie business. Themba decides to cool things off with Nikki but he finds himself having to spend more time with her to appease Suffo.
Watch Rhythm City weekdays at 7PM. Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook.