Should Tino and Erin adopt a baby? Adoption is still a scary concept for many people. We take a look at common misconceptions.
It’s no secret that Tino and Erin have been trying to have a baby for a while now. But after having two miscarriages, Erin has decided that maybe adoption is the only way they can become parents.
Although Tino was reluctant, fearing that he’d never be able to love an adopted child the same way he would his own, this week he agreed that he would give it a try.
Adopting children has become increasingly popular, but like Tino most people are still nervous about it.
We take a look at five myths about adoption.
Myth: Adopted children are emotionally unstable and damaged.
Yes, many children in orphanages are there because something negative or traumatic happened to them and some have difficulty trusting new people. They have their own set of challenges but on the whole adopted children are psychologically healthy. They are not damaged.
Myth: The adopted child will not be loved as much as a biological child.
Most people fear that adoptive parents may not love the child as they would their own. Often couples that cannot have a baby of their own have an astounding appreciation for parenthood. So they adopt because they really want a baby. Adoption gives them the opportunity to become parents, something that they yearn for. Once they have a child they show them nothing but love.
Myth: “Once I place my baby for adoption, I will never see her again.”
Yes this was the case a long time ago because it was believed it would be easier if the birth mother never knew who adopted her baby. However, in the past few decades things have changed and adoption has become more open. If you choose an open adoption process you can choose the type of family that you prefer for your child. You can meet them and develop a life-long relationship.
Myth: Placing a child for adoption is a sign of weakness
The reasons behind a woman’s choice to place her child for adoption vary. It’s simply not true that women who give up their children are weak or that they don’t love their child. Adoption is one of the most courageous decisions birth parents can make because oftentimes they believe placing their child for adoption will ultimately lead to a better life for their child.
Myth: You have to be perfect to adopt a child
You don’t have to be a perfect person in order to adopt a child. No parent is perfect. A potential adoptive parent simply needs be stable, mature, committed and patient. You don’t have to have a big house, live in a fancy place or be rich to be able to adopt a child.
What do you think of Tino and Erin adopting a child?
Catch Scandal! Monday to Friday at 7:30PM to see if adoption works out for Tino and Erin.