Do you like drama, scandal, or routine? Here’s what your TV viewing style says about you.
You’ll stop at nothing to get to the top. You cultivate strong relationships and then throw them under the bus - so cruel! But hey, your go-getter attitude makes you the perfect Scandal journo.
Rhythm City
You’re almost always the life of the party and rub shoulders with Mzansi’s rich and famous. But you’ve been living with deep and dark secrets… When no one is watching you nick the silverware from the swanky parties you attend. Naughty!
eKasi: Our Stories
Like the eKasi: Our Stories characters you attract drama and conflict into your life, even when there are much bigger problems at hand. #OTT #OMG #LMAO #YOLO #FOMO are probably your favourite hashtags.
Club 808
Straight up, you are doing dope things with your awesome clique. Don’t let the haters keep you from doing your thang!
You’re a glutton for punishment. Even when the bad seems permanent and the permanent is almost unbearable to watch. Look, I don’t know you, maybe that Ed Hardy cap seemed like a good idea at the time?
You’re not one to stray from your routine. It’s a warm bath and cup of tea right before you get comfy on the couch for a Friday Action Night, Saturday Family Feature or a Sunday Blockbuster. Aaaah, bliss.
Whether you’re into scandalous affairs in the newsroom or the comfort of a regular movie slot, we’ve got you covered and will keep you entertained! View our full schedule.