In a heartbreaking scene Marcel admitted he needs professional help, but is he capable of change?
This week Marcel reached a turning point when he admitted that he was abusive towards his late wife Candice. He apologized to Ivan and Cameron about how he treated Candice. Even though her death was an accident, if she was scared she would have died. She told them Candice had planned to leave him and when he tried to reason with her she ran from him, fell and hit her head against a wall. That’s how she died. He also admitted that he needs to fix his life and he needs help.
But is Marcel capable of change? We chat to Jody Abrahams about his character.
Why is Marcel so violent, does it have to do with his upbringing?
I think it’s the fact that he grew up in that kind of environment. His father was in the military. His mother and father split up and his was caught between the two houses. His father was always moving around from camp to camp. His father had a very weird sense of discipline. He was rigid when he disciplined him, so he doesn’t understand being soft and caring. He didn’t grow up with that. He has to learn it. It also has to do with the male ego; he’s used to being the provider and the one who takes care of Bronnie. That status quo has changed and he doesn’t know how to deal with that. Therapy is gonna give him the tools to deal with that.
He seems to regret being violent towards his Candice, is this genuine?
Of course it’s genuine. He knows what’s right and wrong. He’s not one dimensional; he just struggles with his demons. The fact that he admitted it is a step in the right direction. He loved her dearly and he loves his daughter Bronnie. He didn’t know how to communicate with them, and he sometimes lets his frustrations get the better of him.
Marcel would get upset when other men looked at Candice, did he control her?
I don’t think it’s an issue of controlling her. That was all based on his insecurities. She was a beautiful girl. He struggled to understand why she was with him. So seeing her dancing and having fun with other people, made him jealous. When he saw her with other people he felt threatened.
Is Marcel capable of changing?
I do think he’s capable of changing, but it’s going to be a long road. He’s gonna make a lot of mistakes along the way. He’s not malicious in nature, but it’s gonna be tough. There’ll be a lot of challenges.
So will he agree to go for counseling?
Yes, he certainly does. It’s very difficult for him with his ego and everything. I think it’s gonna be very difficult for him to stay in that therapy.
How did it feel to learn his daughter is scared of him and calls him the Dragon?
I think that was his wake up call. It was easy to blame everybody else because they’re adults. His daughter came from a place of truth. And as long as he keeps that in mind he will get through.
Does he think his relationship with his daughter can ever be repaired?
Of course he believes that 100%. He’ll do anything to achieve that.
Does he think he’s best suited to raise his daughter?
He believes it. Whether he is equipped for it or not is another story. I think now that his admitted that he’s at fault and that he needs help, that is a step in the right direction. You know everyone believes that they’re right until they get perspective on it and Bronnie gave him perspective.
What can we expect from Marcel in the future?
I don’t think you can ever say what you can expect from him. Today he might he might do something right and tomorrow something wrong. I think the viewers are gonna see a man trying to do the right thing against all odds. You might see him have a little bit of fun.
Catch Marcel on Scandal Monday to Friday at 7:30PM. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.